Monday, October 25, 2010
Blog (singkatan untuk web log dalam bahasa Inggeris) ialah sebuah laman web yang kemasukan-kemasukannya ditulis menurut urutan kronologi dan dipaparkan dengan tertib terbalik.
Blog memberikan ulasan atau berita mengenai sesuatu tajuk, umpamanya makanan, politik, atau berita tempatan, dengan sesetengah blog berperanan lebih sebagai buku harian peribadi dalam talian. Blog yang tipikal menggabungan teks, imej, dan pautan ke dalam blog, laman web, dan media lain yang berkaitan dengan topiknya. Keupayaan para pembaca untuk meninggalkan ulasan mereka dalam format interaktif merupakan ciri yang utama untuk banyak blog. Kebanyakan blog umumnya adalah blog teks, walaupun sesetengahnya bertumpu pada gambar foto (blog foto), video (vlog), muzik (blog MP3), atau audio (podcasting), dan merupakan sebahagian rangkaian media sosial yang lebih luas.
Istilah "blog" merupakan kata lakur untuk perkataan "web" dan "log" (Web log). "Blog" juga boleh digunakan sebagai kata kerja yang membawa pengertian "untuk memeliharakan atau menambahkan isi kandungan ke dalam blog."
Pada bulan Nov 2007, Technorati, enjin carian blog, sedang menjejaki melebihi 120 juta blog, meningkat dua kali ganda sejak awal Januari 2007.
Babad, buku Commonplace, buku harian, perzin and persatuan akhbar amatur boleh dilihatkan sebagai pendahulu-pendahulu blog. Sebelum blog menjadi popular, terdapat banyak bentuk komuniti-komuniti digital, termasuk:
* Usenet
* perkhidmatan komersil dalam talian, seperti GEnie, BiX, dan CompuServe yg awal;
* senarai emel;
* sistem papan buletin (BBS).
Pada dekad 1990-an, perisian forum internet seperti WebEx mencipta perbualan selari dengan "bebenang". Bebenang merupakan hubungan topik antara perutusan-perutusan pada "papan gabus" metafora. Sesetengah orang telah mempersamakan blog dengan gerakan Mass-Observation yang diasaskan pada tahun 1937 di United Kingdom.
1983-1990 (Pra-HTTP)
Usenet ialah perantara bersiri yang utama yang terangkum dalam takrif Jaringan Sejagat (WWW) yang asal. Ia menonjolkan Kumpulan Berita Tersederhana yang membenarkan semua pengeposan dikawal oleh seorang individu atau sekumpulan pengguna yang kecil. Kebanyakan kumpulan berita tersebut hanya merupakan forum-forum perbualan tersederhana. Bagaimanapun pada tahun 1983-94, satu kekecualian, iaitu mod.ber telah dicipta, dikendalikan, dan dinamai sempena Brian E. Redman. Secara tetap, Redman dan beberapa rakannya akan mengeposkan ringkasan pos-pos dan bebenang-bebenang yang menarik dari laman-laman web yang lain dalam internet. Dengan gaya penerbitan jurnal bersiri, kehadiran dalam jaringan pra-HTTP, serta persamaan yang rapat dengan bentuk blog kini yang biasa — ia menonjolkan pautan ke laman-laman web yang menarik yang dipilih oleh pengguna blog — mod.ber mempunyai banyak ciri yang biasanya dikaitkan dengan istilah Blog. Walaupun demikian, mod.ber menamatkan operasinya selepas lebih kurang 8 bulan.
Blog moden berkembang daripada buku-buku harian dalam talian yang digunakan untuk menyimpan huraian selari tentang kehidupan-kehidupan peribadi mereka. Kebanyakan penulis ini merujuk kepada diri sendiri sebagai penulis diari, wartawan, atau penulis jurnal, dengan sebilangan kecil memanggil diri sendiri sebagai "eskribisionis" (escribitionist).
Gelang laman web (webring) Halaman-halaman Terbuka merangkumi ahli-ahli komuniti jurnal dalam talian. Justin Hall yang menggunakan blog peribadi sejak dari tahun 1994 ketika masih belajar di Kolej Swarthmore umumnya dianggap sebagai salah satu pengguna perintis blog yang awal,bersama-sama Jerry Pournelle.
Bentuk-bentuk jurnal yang lain juga wujud dalam talian. Satu contoh yang terkenal ialah jurnal John Carmack, seorang pengaturcara permainan. Jurnalnya yang diterbitkan melalui protokol jari telah dibaca secara meluas. Laman-laman web, baik laman korporat mahupun laman peribadi, masih kerap kali menonjolkan bahagian-bahagian "Berita" atau "Berita Terkini", seringnya di dalam laman utama masing-masing dan disisihkan mengikut tarikh. Salah satu "weblog" berasaskan berita ialah Laporan Drudge yang diasaskan oleh Matt Drudge. Drudge menggelar diri sebagai pemberita pengingkar walaupun beliau jelas tidak suka akan pengelasan ini. Lagi satu contoh ialah Institut untuk Ketepatan Awam yang mula mengeposkan siaran-siaran berita yang menonjolkan petikan-petikan berita seperenggan daripada laman-laman web yang lain banyak kali seminggu mulai dari tahun 1998. Satu contoh pendahulu yang awal yang patut diberikan perhatian ialah laman web peribadi gurauan Kibo, legenda Usenet yang sentiasa dikemaskinikan.
Weblog-weblog yang awal hanya merupakan komponen-komponen laman web biasa yang dikemaskinikan secara manual. Bagaimanapun, pengembangan alat-alat untuk memudahkan penghasilan dan pemeliharaan rencana-rencana web yang diposkan mengikut tertib kronologi terbalik menyebabkan proses penerbitan boleh dilaksanakan oleh lebih banyak orang yang kurang mahir dari segi keupayaan teknikal. Ini akhirnya menyebabkan sebuah kelas penerbitan dalam talian yang terdiri yang menerbitkan apa yang diakui sebagai blog pada hari ini. Umpamanya, penggunaan perisian berasaskan pelayar kini merupakan suatu aspek "pemblogan" yang biasa. Blog-blog boleh dihoskan, baik oleh perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan pengehosan blog yang khusus, mahupun melalui perisian blog, seperti WordPress, Movable Type, blogger atau LiveJournal, atau dalam perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan pengehosan web yang tetap seperti DreamHost.
Istilah "weblog" dicipta oleh Jorn Barger pada 17 Disember 1997, manakala singkatannya, "blog," dicipta oleh Peter Merholz yang secara bermain-main memecahkan perkataan weblog menjadi frasa we blog di palang sisi blognya, pada April atau Mei 1999.Ini dengan pantasnya diterima, baik sebagai kata nama mahupun sebagai "kata kerja" dalam bahasa Inggeris ("to blog," bermaksud "mengedit weblog atau mengeposkan perutusan ke dalam weblog").
Selepas sebuah permulaan yang lambat, pemblogan dengan pantasnya mencapai kepopularan: laman web Xanga yang dilancarkan pada tahun 1996 hanya mempunyai 100 kemasukan menjelang 1997, tetapi melebihi 20 juta pada bulan Disember 2005. Penggunaan blog meledak pada tahun 1999 dan selepas nya, dipopularkan lagi ketibaan-ketibaan hampir serentak alat-alat blog pengehosan yang awal:
* Open Diary yang dilancarkan pada Oktober 1998 tidak lama kemudian berkembang sehingga beribu-ribu kemasukan dalam talian. Open Diary membuat pembaharuan kepada ulasan pembaca dan menjadi komunit blog yang pertama yang para pembaca boleh menambahkan ulasan mereka pada kemasukan blog penulis yang lain.
* Brad Fitzpatrick, seorang pengguna blog yang terkenal memulakan LiveJournal pada bulan Mac 1999.
* Andrew Smales mencipta pada bulan Julai 1999 sebagai pilihan yang lebih mudah untuk mengendalikan "laman berita" dalam laman web. Ini diikuti oleh penciptaan Diaryland pada bulan September 1999 yang lebih menumpukan pada komuniti diari peribadi.
* Evan Williams dan Meg Hourihan (Pyra Labs) melancarkan pada bulan Ogos 1999 (dibeli oleh Google pada bulan Februari 2003).
Pemblogan menggabungkan laman web peribadi dengan alat-alat untuk memudahkan perpuatan ke halaman-halaman dalam talian. — khususnya permalink, blogroll dan TrackBack. Ini, bersama-sama dengan enjin carian blog membolehkan pengguna blog untuk menjejaki bebenang-bebenang yang menghubungkan mereka kepada orang-orang lain yang mempunyai minat yang sama.
sumber : Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Teknologi merupakan satu konsep yang luas dan mempunyai lebih daripada satu takrifan. Takrifan yang pertama ialah pembangunan dan penggunaan alatan, mesin, bahan dan proses untuk menyelesaikan masalah manusia.
Istilah teknologi selalunya berkait rapat dengan rekaan dan gadget menggunakan prinsip sains dan proses terkini. Namun, rekaan lama seperti tayar masih menunjukkan teknologi.
Maksud yang kedua digunakan dalam bidang ekonomi, yang mana teknologi dilihat sebagai tahap pengetahuan semasa dalam menggabungkan sumber bagi menghasilkan produk yang dikehendaki. Oleh itu, teknologi akan berubah apabila pengetahuan teknikal kita berubah.
Takrifan teknologi yang diguna pakai di sekolah-sekolah dan institusi-insitusi pengajian tinggi di Malaysia ialah aplikasi pengetahuan sains yang boleh memanfaatkan serta menyelesaikan masalah manusia yang dihadapi dalam kehidupan seharian.
Teknologi dalam ideologi
Kerap kali, "baru" dianggap "lebih baik" dalam bidang teknologi atau kejuruteraan. Contohnya komputer baru lebih laju dari komputer lama, dan kereta baru lebih menjimatkan petrol dari kereta lama.
Pasti sebuah teknologi yang semakin berkembang akan menjadi lebih baik dan ianya semestinya mesra alamtologi. Supaya pencemaran dan kegagalan manusia untuk menangani kerosakan dapat dikurang serta akhirnya dihindari. Teknologi mesra alamtologi amat penting untuk kemajuan manusia.
sumber : Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu
Online Games
An online game is a game played over some form of computer network. This almost always means the Internet or equivalent technology, but games have always used whatever technology was current: modems before the Internet, and hard wired terminals before modems. The expansion of online gaming has reflected the overall expansion of computer networks from small local networks to the Internet and the growth of Internet access itself. Online games can range from simple text based games to games incorporating complex graphics and virtual worlds populated by many players simultaneously. Many online games have associated online communities, making online games a form of social activity beyond single player games.
The rising popularity of Flash and Java led to an Internet revolution where websites could utilize streaming video, audio, and a whole new set of user interactivity. When Microsoft began packaging Flash as a pre-installed component of IE, the Internet began to shift from a data/information spectrum to also offer on-demand entertainment. This revolution paved the way for sites to offer games to web surfers. Some online multiplayer games like World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI and Lineage II charge a monthly fee to subscribe to their services, while games such as Guild Wars offer an alternative no monthly fee scheme. Many other sites relied on advertising revenues from on-site sponsors, while others, like RuneScape, or Tibia let people play for free while leaving the players the option of paying, unlocking new content for the members.
source : Wikipedia
Pengkomputeran awan
Pengkomputeran awan ialah pembangunan dan penggunaan teknologi komputer ("pengkomputeran") berasaskan internet ("awan"). Mengikut konsep, ia adalah suatu anjakan paradigma di mana perincian diabstrakkan daripada pengguna yang tidak lagi perlukan pengetahuan, kepakaran dalam, mahupun mengawal infrastruktur teknologi "di dalam awan" yang menyokong mereka. Ia selalunya melibatkan peruntukan sumber-sumber yang boleh diskalakan secara dinamik dan sering kali dimayakan sebagai satu perkhidmatan di Internet.
Istilah awan digunakan sebagai satu metafora bagi Internet, berdasarkan cara Internet digambarkan di dalam gambar rajah rangkaian komputer dan merupakan pengabstrakan bagi infrastruktur yang disembunyikan di sebaliknya. Perkhidmatan pengkomputeran awan biasa membekalkan penggunaan perniagaan lazim di atas talian yang dicapai melalui pelayar web, sementara perisian dan datanya tersimpan di pelayannya.
Perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan ini dibahagikan kepada kategori-kategori berikut: Perisian sebagai sebuah Perkhidmatan (SaaS), Pengkomputeran Utiliti, Perkhidmatan Web, Pelantar sebagai sebuah Perkhidmatan (PaaS), Pembekal Khidmat Terurus (MSP), Perdagangan Perkhidmatan, dan Integrasi Internet.
sumber : Wikipedia bahasa melayu
Computer Virus: The Types of Viruses Out There
A computer virus is usually hard to detect if it's disguised as a harmless file, in the case of a Trojan horse virus. This type of virus doesn't replicate itself like most viruses, but instead opens your computer up to malicious imposters. Leaving you to wonder, how can you tell if you're computer is infected?
Luckily, your computer after coming in contact with a virus or worm will display some symptoms and signs of infection. It is particularly useful to know the signs that indicate an infection. Because you can unintentionally introduce a virus to your computer at anytime when you run an infected program or open an email attachment. To guard against this you need a good anti-virus program
Signs of a Computer Infection
Some signs that may indicate that your computer is infected include:
* Your computer functions slower than normal
* Your computer responds slowly and freezes often
* Your computer restarts itself often
* You see uncommon error messages, distorted menus, and dialog boxes
* You notice applications on your computer fail to work correctly
* You fail to print correctly
Types of Viruses
But what are the types of computer viruses and worms that you're computer can come into contact with? The list of viruses is quiet long and complex. So, we simplified the list by mentioning few broad categories of viruses that can put your computer and all your personal data on it, in danger. These computer viruses include:
Computer Viruses
Boot Sector viruses: A boot sector virus infects diskettes and hard drives. All disks and hard drives contain smaller sections called sectors. The first sector is called the boot. The boot carries the Mater Boot Record (MBR). MBR functions to read and load the operating system. So, if a virus infects the boot or MBR of a disk, such as a floppy disk, your hard drive can become infected, if you re-boot your computer while the infected disk is in the drive. Once your hard drive is infected all diskettes that you use in your computer will be infected. Boot sector viruses often spread to other computers by the use of shared infected disks and pirated software applications. The best way to disinfect your computer of the boot sector virus is by using antivirus software.
Program viruses: A program virus becomes active when the program file (usually with extensions .BIN, .COM, .EXE, .OVL, .DRV) carrying the virus is opened. Once active, the virus will make copies of itself and will infect other programs on the computer.
Multipartite viruses: A multipartite virus is a hybrid of a Boot Sector and Program viruses. It infects program files and when the infected program is active it will affect the boot record. So the next time you start up your computer it'll infect your local drive and other programs on your computer.
Stealth viruses: A stealth virus can disguise itself by using certain tactics to prevent being detected by antivirus software. These tactics include altering its file size, concealing itself in memory, and so on. This type of virus is nothing new, in fact, the first computer virus, dubbed Brain, was a stealth virus. A good antivirus should be able to detect a stealth virus lurking on your hard drive by checking the areas the virus infected and evidence in memory.
Polymorphic viruses: A polymorphic virus acts like a chameleon, changing its virus signature (also known as binary pattern) every time it multiples and infects a new file. By changing binary patterns, a polymorphic virus becomes hard to detect by an antivirus program.
Macro Viruses: A macro virus is programmed as a macro embedded in a document. Many applications, such as Microsoft Word and Excel, support macro languages. Once a macro virus gets on to your computer, every document you produce will become infected. This type of virus is relatively new and may slip by your antivirus software if you don't have the most recent version installed on your computer. .
Active X and Java Control: Some users do not know how to manage and control their web browser to allow or prohibit certain functions to work, such as enabling or disabling sound, pop ups, and so on. Leaving your computer in danger of being targeted by unwanted software or adware floating in cyberspace.
source :
Bagaimana komputer berfungsi?
Teknologi dalam komputer digital telah melalui perubahan besar sejak komputer yang pertama pada tahun 1940. Namun kebanyakannya masih menggunakan senibina von Neumann, yang dicadangkan oleh John von Neumann pada awal 1940-an.
Senibina von Neumann menyatakan komputer dibahagi kepada 4 bahagian utama: Unit Aritmetik dan Logik, litar pengawal, memori, dan alat input-output (I/O). Kesemua bahagian ini disambung bersama oleh wayar-wayar, yang dikenali sebagai "bas".
Di dalam sistem komputer, ingatan ialah jujukan bait (seperti sel), di mana setiap satunya mengandungi sebutir maklumat. Maklumat tersebut mungkin adalah arahan untuk komputer, dan setiap sel menyimpan serpihan data yang diperlukan komputer untuk menjalankan arahan.
Secara amnya, ingatan boleh diguna semula lebih sejuta kali. Ia lebih berupa pad lakaran, daripada batu tablet yang hanya boleh ditulis sekali.
Saiz setiap sel, dan bilangannya, berbeza di antara satu komputer dengan komputer yang lain. Begitu juga dengan teknologi memori tersebut, daripada denyutan elektromekanik, seterusnya tiub raksa, seterusnya kepada susunan matriks magnet kekal, seterusnya kepada transistor, dan seterusnya litar bersepadu yang mengandungi berjuta kapasitor dalam sebiji cip.
Unit Aritmetik dan Logik (ALU), ialah alat yang melaksanakan operasi asas, seperti operasi aritmetik (tambah, tolak, darab, dan sebagainya), operasi logik (AND, OR, NOT) dan membandingkan operasi. Unit ini melakukan tugas sebenar dalam komputer.
Unit pengawal menyelia slot-slot yang menyimpan arahan terkini, seterusnya memberitahu ALU tentang operasi yang perlu dilakukan serta menerima maklumat yang perlu (daripada memori) untuk melaksanakan operasi tersebut. Kemudiannya ia menghantar kembali hasil operasi ke kedudukan memori yang sesuai. Setelah itu, Unit Pengawal akan beralih kepada arahan yang seterusnya.
Unit Input-output membenarkan komputer menerima maklumat daripada dunia luar, dan menghantar keputusan maklumat kembali ke dunia luar. Terdapat pelbagai bentuk alat I/O, daripada Papan kekunci, skrin, Cakera liut, kepada alat yang luar biasa, seperti Webcam.
Kesemua alat (peranti) input mengkod maklumat kepada data supaya boleh diproses oleh sistem komputer digital. Alat (peranti) output pula menyahkod data komputer kepada maklumat yang boleh difahami oleh pengguna komputer.
Arahan komputer bukanlah arahan berbunga seperti bahasa manusia. Komputer hanya mempunyai arahan-arahan mudah yang terhad. Arahan biasa yang disokong oleh kebanyakan komputer adalah seperti: Salin kandungan sel 123, dan letak salinan ke sel 456; tambahkan kandungan sel 666 ke sel 042, dan letak hasil tambahan ke sel 013; sekiranya sel 999 adalah 0, arahan seterusnya ialah pada sel 345.
Arahan-arahan tersebut diwakili sebagai angka (numbers). Contohnya, Kod untuk "Salin" mungkin adalah 001. Set Arahan yang disokong oleh komputer dipanggil Bahasa Mesin. Secara praktiknya, arahan untuk komputer biasanya tidak ditulis dalam bentuk Bahasa Mesin, tapi dalam bentuk Bahasa Pengaturcaraan Tahap Tinggi (High Level Programming Language). Bahasa pengaturcaraan kemudiaanya dialihbahasa kepada Bahasa Mesin dengan menggunakan Program Komputer khas (seperti Pengkompil - compiler, atau Interpreter).
Sesetengah bahasa pengaturcaraan adalah dalam bentuk yang hampir dengan Bahasa Mesin, contohnya Bahasa Penghimpun - (juga dikenali sebagai Bahasa Tahap Rendah - ); Manakala sesetengah bahasa mengguna prinsip yang jauh berbeza dengan operasi mesin, contohnya Prolog.
Seni bina
Komputer moden meletakkan ALU (Unit Aritmetik dan Logik) dan Unit Pengawal di dalam satu litar bersepadu yang dikenali sebagai Unit Pemproses Pusat (Central Processing Unit - CPU). Kebiasaanya, memori komputer akan diletak pada beberapa litar bersepadu kecil berhampiran dengan CPU. Alat-alat yang lain dalam komputer adalah bekalan kuasa dan alat input-output.
Fungsi sebuah komputer secara prinsipnya agak jelas. Komputer menyambut arahan dan data daripada memori. Arahan kemudiannya dilaksanakan, hasilnya disimpan, dan seterusnya menyambut arahan yang berikutnya pula. Prosedur ini diulang sehingga komputer itu ditutup.
Program Komputer ialah satu senarai arahan yang besar untuk dilaksana oleh komputer. Kebanyakan Program Komputer mempunyai berjuta arahan, dan kebanyakan daripada arahan-arahan tersebut dilaksanakan berulang-kali. Sebuah Komputer peribadi yang moden berupaya melaksanakan lebih kurang 2-3 bilion arahan per saat.
Pada masa sekarang, kebanyakan komputer berupaya melaksanakan lebih dari satu program pada satu masa. Keupayaan ini dinamakan multitugas. Walaupun secara kasarnya, seolah-olah komputer melakukan dua kerja sekaligus, sebenarnya CPU melaksanakan arahan daripada satu program dahulu, kemudian beralih ke program yang satu lagi pada jangka masa sejenak. Jangka masa sejenak ini dipanggil Hirisan Masa (Time Slice). Sistem Pengoperasian ialah program yang mengawal perkongsian masa ini.
Contoh sistem pengoperasian yang membenarkan multitasking ialah Windows dan Unix.
Sistem pengendalian
Sistem pengendalian ialah sistem yang menentukan program apa yang perlu dilaksanakan, dan sumber apa (memori atau I/O) yang perlu digunakan. Sistem pengendalian membekalkan perkhidmatan kepada program lain, contohnya kod (driver) yang membolehkan pengaturcara menulis program untuk mesin tanpa perlu mengetahui lebih terperinci tentang alat elektronik pada sistem komputer.
sumber : Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu
Perihal Komputer
Pada zaman moden masa kini, komputer bukanlah suatu ciptaan teknologi terbaharu. Malah komputer sudah dianggap sebagai satu teknologi yang mampu dimiliki oleh setiap orang. Namun begitu, mungkin ramai yang tidak tahu apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan KOMPUTER. Adakah ia sejenis peralatan yang hanya berfungsi untuk melakukan hanya sebilangan kecil tugasan manusia?
Definisi komputer
Komputer ialah sebarang peralatan, mesin atau alat yang digunakan untuk memproses maklumat, berpandukan kepada prosedur/arahan yang ditetapkan. Takrif asal "komputer", seperti yang disebut di atas, hanya merangkumi peralatan khusus yang boleh mengira satu fungsi atau berbilang fungsi yang terhad. Sekiranya mengambil kira komputer moden, salah satu ciri yang membezakannya dengan komputer awal ialah: sekiranya dimasukkan dengan perisian-perisian yang sesuai, komputer moden berkemampuan untuk meniru sebarang pengiraan. Namun kemampuan ini dibatasi oleh pemuatan storan, ingatan capaian rawak (RAM) serta kelajuan pemprosesan. Dalam erti kata lain, kemampuan ini boleh digunakan sebagai ujian untuk membezakan komputer "serba-guna" dengan komputer awal yang hanya khusus untuk tugas tertentu. Komputer juga boleh ditakrifkan sebagai satu sistem yang mengendalikan simbol-simbol elektronik dengan pantas dan tepat dan direka khas untuk menerima, memproses, menyimpan dan mengeluarkan hasil keluaran.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Ethics on the web
As the computer era evolves each day, our society is gradually forming into a gigantic chain through the increasing use of the Internet. Human beings interact with each other every day by using the Net. Just as ethics evolve as human societies grow and change, so similar ethical questions are raised during the evolution of this global electronic community.
How can ethics be defined? They are our moral code. Ethics describe how we determine what is good and right from what is bad and wrong. They are somewhat abstract yet definitely the art of the human race. They distinguish us from other creatures in nature.
As electronic communication becomes essential to the daily lives of more and more people, ethical questions take on a practical urgency. For sometimes the hacker can kill. According to Britain's Scotland Yard, someone broke into the weather computer network, interrupting the weather forecast for the English Channel. In this case, this unauthorized entry led directly to the loss of a ship at sea. (John Markoff. The New York Times, Vol. CXLI II, page E7, October 24,1993. Cited on:15).
Some examples of unethical and criminal behavior:
- Stealing copyright and credit for intellectual property.
- Intercepting private e-mail.
- Display of pornographical material.
- Deliberate public misinformation.
- Misuse of research material.
- Improper commercial/personal use of network.
- Stealing credit information.
You and people you know may already have experienced the results of unethical computer behavior. The professor of this class was recently the victim of a thief who used her credit card number for a telephone shopping spree. Luckily, some companies acknowledge such purchases by mail, and my professsor was able to take action right away. She suspects that the thief may have obtained the card number through the Internet.
Surely, we should adopt a more serious attitude toward the ethical issues raised as our computer techonology progresses. How can we refine the art of ethics? It depends on how much we want to respect one other on the Net. And how much we want to take it seriously.
source :
It is essential to start with some understanding of the history and the nature of the Internet.
Where did it come from?
* The Internet started life in 1969 as the US Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency network (known as ARPAnet). It was designed to provide a distributed, flexible and self-healing command network which would enable the US military to continue operating even if Soviet military missiles took out certain geographical locations on the network.
* Following its creation as a network for the American military, the Internet – as it became called – evolved into a network for the American academic community, starting with universities and then spreading outwards.
* Newsgroups, where most child pornography on the Net is located, and chat rooms, where children are most vulnerable to approaches by paedophiles, followed the evolution of the ARAPnet into the Internet, but preceded and are independent of the World Wide Web.
* In 1989, what is now arguably the most popular feature of the Internet, the World Wide Web, was developed by the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee during his time at CERN in Switzerland.
* If there was one year in which the Web could be said to have taken off, it was in 1993, when the number of users doubled and the Internet really entered media consciousness and public debate. Today there are around 400 million Internet users world-wide.
[For a much more detailed history of the Internet, see the Hobbes Internet Timeline click here]
What are the implications of this evolution for the ethics debate?
1. The distributed nature of the Internet – based on packet switching and the routing and rerouting of packets along multitudinous networks and nodes – makes any central control of the medium impossible, even if it was thought desirable.
2. The Internet was developed originally for military and then academic purposes. As originally conceived and used, it was a closed network with specific uses and functions and therefore, initially at least, never provoked a debate about ethical issues in the way that cinema or radio or television – all immediately available to those who could afford it - immediately did.
3. The Internet was originally designed for, and used by, the few and the intellectual. This gave it a particular set of values – such as tolerance of dissent and antipathy to control – that still pervades much of the debate about Internet content and regulation.
4. The Internet was originally used exclusively by Americans and even today around two-fifths of all users reside in the U.S.A. This means that the debate around the Internet has been influenced massively by American culture and values, notably the First Amendment of the US Constitution (which guarantees freedom of expression) and more generally an hostility towards Government intervention or control.
5. The growth of the Internet has been exponential: more and more people are using it for longer and longer to do more things. This has at least three consequences:
1. The Internet is no longer the preserve of the few and the intellectual. In many industrialised societies, a majority of citizens have access – whether at home or at work – and the user profile is increasingly approximating that of the citizenry as a whole.
2. The Internet has ceased to be an American phenomenon. There are now almost as many users in Europe as there are in the USA and therefore much of the ethics debate now is a clash between American and European culture and values.
3. As Internet growth continues and especially as we see more users in Asia and South America, the ethics debate will not simply be an American vs European one. Increasingly we have to accommodate a wide diversity of cultures and value systems.
So much for the history of the Internet. What about the nature of the Internet? What range of services does it provide?
The main forms of content are:
* E-mail which enables one to communicate almost instantly and at negligible cost with any of the other 400 million Internet users world-wide
* Internet Relay Chat (IRC) which enables people to converse either in groups or one on one in chat rooms – some 40,000 world-wide – focused on different subjects or different groups
* Usenet newsgroups – of which there are about 40,000 – which enable people to file articles or comments or pictures about a whole host of different subjects, ranging from the very technical to the sexually bizarre
* The World Wide Web which now consists of over one billion sites ranging from the ultra sophisticated like to the typical home page such as my own.
The types of activities which are taking place on the Net can be analysed as follows:
* Communications, previously through e-mail, but increasingly through telephony using the Internet Protocol (IP) networks
* The provision of information whether through data bases to which access is normally limited or through Web sites which are open to all Internet users with a suitable browser
* E-commerce whether it is business to customer (B2C) or – currently four times the size – business to business (B2B)
* E-Government whereby Government departments interact with citizens, from the simple provision of information to the completion of forms, through to various transactions.
What are the implications of this range of services for the ethics debate?
1. The Internet is not one network but many – indeed it is a network of networks. It does not provide one type of service offering but many – and this range will increase. These services have many different characteristics and the ethics debate has to take account of this – how we approach chat rooms many not be how we approach newsgroups, especially where children are concerned.
2. The Internet has many actors with different interests. Infrastructure companies like Cisco or Oracle may have little or no involvement in content. Microsoft may start by ‘simply’ providing a browser (Explorer) and then go into the portal business (MSN). Not all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide access to all newsgroups and most chat rooms are not hosted by ISPs. If one is attempting to bring a sense of ethics to the Internet in any particular instance, it is essential to know who has the control and the responsibility.
3. There is still a poor sense of understanding of the issues. On the one hand, those who campaign for more ‘control’ of the Internet often have little understanding of the technological complexities. Typically they do not know how newsgroups and chat rooms are hosted and many politicians do not know the difference between a newsgroup and a Web site. On the other hand, many providers of Internet infrastructure and services have little understanding of, let alone sympathy for, the concerns of users. Frequently complaints about material or requests for meetings are dealt with in a cavalier fashion or even ignored.
4. Increasingly the debate about the content of the Internet is not national but global, not by specialists but by the general populace. There is a real need for this debate to be stimulated and structured and for it to lead to ‘solutions’ which are focussed, practical and urgent.
source :
It is essential to start with some understanding of the history and the nature of the Internet.
Where did it come from?
* The Internet started life in 1969 as the US Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency network (known as ARPAnet). It was designed to provide a distributed, flexible and self-healing command network which would enable the US military to continue operating even if Soviet military missiles took out certain geographical locations on the network.
* Following its creation as a network for the American military, the Internet – as it became called – evolved into a network for the American academic community, starting with universities and then spreading outwards.
* Newsgroups, where most child pornography on the Net is located, and chat rooms, where children are most vulnerable to approaches by paedophiles, followed the evolution of the ARAPnet into the Internet, but preceded and are independent of the World Wide Web.
* In 1989, what is now arguably the most popular feature of the Internet, the World Wide Web, was developed by the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee during his time at CERN in Switzerland.
* If there was one year in which the Web could be said to have taken off, it was in 1993, when the number of users doubled and the Internet really entered media consciousness and public debate. Today there are around 400 million Internet users world-wide.
[For a much more detailed history of the Internet, see the Hobbes Internet Timeline click here]
What are the implications of this evolution for the ethics debate?
1. The distributed nature of the Internet – based on packet switching and the routing and rerouting of packets along multitudinous networks and nodes – makes any central control of the medium impossible, even if it was thought desirable.
2. The Internet was developed originally for military and then academic purposes. As originally conceived and used, it was a closed network with specific uses and functions and therefore, initially at least, never provoked a debate about ethical issues in the way that cinema or radio or television – all immediately available to those who could afford it - immediately did.
3. The Internet was originally designed for, and used by, the few and the intellectual. This gave it a particular set of values – such as tolerance of dissent and antipathy to control – that still pervades much of the debate about Internet content and regulation.
4. The Internet was originally used exclusively by Americans and even today around two-fifths of all users reside in the U.S.A. This means that the debate around the Internet has been influenced massively by American culture and values, notably the First Amendment of the US Constitution (which guarantees freedom of expression) and more generally an hostility towards Government intervention or control.
5. The growth of the Internet has been exponential: more and more people are using it for longer and longer to do more things. This has at least three consequences:
1. The Internet is no longer the preserve of the few and the intellectual. In many industrialised societies, a majority of citizens have access – whether at home or at work – and the user profile is increasingly approximating that of the citizenry as a whole.
2. The Internet has ceased to be an American phenomenon. There are now almost as many users in Europe as there are in the USA and therefore much of the ethics debate now is a clash between American and European culture and values.
3. As Internet growth continues and especially as we see more users in Asia and South America, the ethics debate will not simply be an American vs European one. Increasingly we have to accommodate a wide diversity of cultures and value systems.
So much for the history of the Internet. What about the nature of the Internet? What range of services does it provide?
The main forms of content are:
* E-mail which enables one to communicate almost instantly and at negligible cost with any of the other 400 million Internet users world-wide
* Internet Relay Chat (IRC) which enables people to converse either in groups or one on one in chat rooms – some 40,000 world-wide – focused on different subjects or different groups
* Usenet newsgroups – of which there are about 40,000 – which enable people to file articles or comments or pictures about a whole host of different subjects, ranging from the very technical to the sexually bizarre
* The World Wide Web which now consists of over one billion sites ranging from the ultra sophisticated like to the typical home page such as my own.
The types of activities which are taking place on the Net can be analysed as follows:
* Communications, previously through e-mail, but increasingly through telephony using the Internet Protocol (IP) networks
* The provision of information whether through data bases to which access is normally limited or through Web sites which are open to all Internet users with a suitable browser
* E-commerce whether it is business to customer (B2C) or – currently four times the size – business to business (B2B)
* E-Government whereby Government departments interact with citizens, from the simple provision of information to the completion of forms, through to various transactions.
What are the implications of this range of services for the ethics debate?
1. The Internet is not one network but many – indeed it is a network of networks. It does not provide one type of service offering but many – and this range will increase. These services have many different characteristics and the ethics debate has to take account of this – how we approach chat rooms many not be how we approach newsgroups, especially where children are concerned.
2. The Internet has many actors with different interests. Infrastructure companies like Cisco or Oracle may have little or no involvement in content. Microsoft may start by ‘simply’ providing a browser (Explorer) and then go into the portal business (MSN). Not all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide access to all newsgroups and most chat rooms are not hosted by ISPs. If one is attempting to bring a sense of ethics to the Internet in any particular instance, it is essential to know who has the control and the responsibility.
3. There is still a poor sense of understanding of the issues. On the one hand, those who campaign for more ‘control’ of the Internet often have little understanding of the technological complexities. Typically they do not know how newsgroups and chat rooms are hosted and many politicians do not know the difference between a newsgroup and a Web site. On the other hand, many providers of Internet infrastructure and services have little understanding of, let alone sympathy for, the concerns of users. Frequently complaints about material or requests for meetings are dealt with in a cavalier fashion or even ignored.
4. Increasingly the debate about the content of the Internet is not national but global, not by specialists but by the general populace. There is a real need for this debate to be stimulated and structured and for it to lead to ‘solutions’ which are focussed, practical and urgent.
source :
How to Create Your Own Internet Radio Station
How to Create Your Own Internet Radio Station
Flexible and Cheap Personal Broadcasting Using Your Own Computer
By Corey Deitz, Guide
Live 365 is the premiere provider of independent web-based Internet radio streams. What Live365 does is act as your "transmitter". They have constructed the infrastructure to allow thousands of audio streams to use their servers to make Internet broadcasting simple. It's easy to begin broadcasting with them and it's easy for listeners to hear your broadcast. Live365 offers several options.
PRO Stations
The "PRO stations" allow you to create live or pre-recorded streams, earn revenue through your own advertising, put links to your station on your own website and stream through popular players like Windows Media, iTunes, Winamp, and more.
The prices for the PRO packages are disclosed when you contact According to their website: "Live365 offers full royalty/licensing coverage for SoundExchange, ASCAP, BMI and SESAC. In addition, Live365's PRO broadcasting services will allow you to broadcast without any Live365 advertising in or on your broadcast. You won't need to buy extra bandwidth, pay expensive server-licensing fees, or outsource your audio broadcast to expensive vendors." allows anyone to easily set up an Internet radio broadcast and begin transmitting almost instantly from any location with ubroadcast's software and an Internet connection. To this end, ubroadcast has just released its "Station Manager" software which allows users to host a live radio show.
The software lets the user broadcast live at any time to ubroadcast listeners or upload MP3 and WAV music files, commercials, and other pre-recorded content to play on their ubroadcast station 24 hours-a-day. "Station Manager" is designed to be used by someone with no prior broadcast experience.
If you wish to set up a broadcast and don't want to pay the fees a other third-party to host your Internet radio stream - and you are a do-it-yourself kind of person - you might do well creating your own online radio station by using your own personal computer to create a dedicated server for doing the job.
Some of the software options for getting this done include:
SHOUTcast is one of the original free Internet radio software solutions for streaming audio. You can start your own station fairly easily and the software is free to download.
Helix Server Basic
Free streaming media server software which can distribute live and on-demand video and other media. describes it as: "Simple 5-stream server. This free media server is a great solution if you are getting started with streaming media and want to experiment before rolling it out to a large audience." The Helix Server Basic is free to download.
Quicktime Streaming Server says: "Whether you are looking to add streaming media to your web site, deliver distance learning or provide rich content for your mobile subscribers, Mac OS X Server has all of the tools you need. QuickTime Streaming Server lets you deliver live or prerecorded content in real time over the Internet." You can find out more at
Quicktime Broadcaster writes: "Combining the power of QuickTime with Apple's ease of use, QuickTime Broadcaster allows just about anyone to produce a live broadcast event." Download this software from
Peercast is a non-profit website that provides free peer-to-peer broadcasting software. "PeerCast is a simple, free way to listen to radio and watch video on the Internet. It uses P2P technology to let anyone become a broadcaster without the costs of traditional streaming," according to the website.
Icecast is "free server software for streaming multimedia." Download a copy from
Andromeda is delivery-on-demand software. "Andromeda scans your MP3s and presents them as a fully-featured streaming Web site. That means you simply add, move, rename, and delete files and folders to update the contents of your Andromeda-powered site. It's as easy as drag, drop, stream," according to where you can download an
evaluation copy.
Flexible and Cheap Personal Broadcasting Using Your Own Computer
By Corey Deitz, Guide
Live 365 is the premiere provider of independent web-based Internet radio streams. What Live365 does is act as your "transmitter". They have constructed the infrastructure to allow thousands of audio streams to use their servers to make Internet broadcasting simple. It's easy to begin broadcasting with them and it's easy for listeners to hear your broadcast. Live365 offers several options.
PRO Stations
The "PRO stations" allow you to create live or pre-recorded streams, earn revenue through your own advertising, put links to your station on your own website and stream through popular players like Windows Media, iTunes, Winamp, and more.
The prices for the PRO packages are disclosed when you contact According to their website: "Live365 offers full royalty/licensing coverage for SoundExchange, ASCAP, BMI and SESAC. In addition, Live365's PRO broadcasting services will allow you to broadcast without any Live365 advertising in or on your broadcast. You won't need to buy extra bandwidth, pay expensive server-licensing fees, or outsource your audio broadcast to expensive vendors." allows anyone to easily set up an Internet radio broadcast and begin transmitting almost instantly from any location with ubroadcast's software and an Internet connection. To this end, ubroadcast has just released its "Station Manager" software which allows users to host a live radio show.
The software lets the user broadcast live at any time to ubroadcast listeners or upload MP3 and WAV music files, commercials, and other pre-recorded content to play on their ubroadcast station 24 hours-a-day. "Station Manager" is designed to be used by someone with no prior broadcast experience.
If you wish to set up a broadcast and don't want to pay the fees a other third-party to host your Internet radio stream - and you are a do-it-yourself kind of person - you might do well creating your own online radio station by using your own personal computer to create a dedicated server for doing the job.
Some of the software options for getting this done include:
SHOUTcast is one of the original free Internet radio software solutions for streaming audio. You can start your own station fairly easily and the software is free to download.
Helix Server Basic
Free streaming media server software which can distribute live and on-demand video and other media. describes it as: "Simple 5-stream server. This free media server is a great solution if you are getting started with streaming media and want to experiment before rolling it out to a large audience." The Helix Server Basic is free to download.
Quicktime Streaming Server says: "Whether you are looking to add streaming media to your web site, deliver distance learning or provide rich content for your mobile subscribers, Mac OS X Server has all of the tools you need. QuickTime Streaming Server lets you deliver live or prerecorded content in real time over the Internet." You can find out more at
Quicktime Broadcaster writes: "Combining the power of QuickTime with Apple's ease of use, QuickTime Broadcaster allows just about anyone to produce a live broadcast event." Download this software from
Peercast is a non-profit website that provides free peer-to-peer broadcasting software. "PeerCast is a simple, free way to listen to radio and watch video on the Internet. It uses P2P technology to let anyone become a broadcaster without the costs of traditional streaming," according to the website.
Icecast is "free server software for streaming multimedia." Download a copy from
Andromeda is delivery-on-demand software. "Andromeda scans your MP3s and presents them as a fully-featured streaming Web site. That means you simply add, move, rename, and delete files and folders to update the contents of your Andromeda-powered site. It's as easy as drag, drop, stream," according to where you can download an
evaluation copy.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Undang - undang siber
Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat mewujudkan kepelbagaian media atau disebut sebagai multimedia.Antara komponen utama dalam undang-undang multimedia ialah undang-undang siber.Undang-undang siber merangkumi 3 akta utama iaitu Akta Tandatangan Digital 1997 (Akta 562), Akta Jenayah Komputer 1997 (Akta 563)dan Akta Teleperubatan 1997 (Akta 564).Selain itu terdapat juga Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998 (Akta 588), Akta Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998 (Akta 589)serta pindaan kepada Akta Hakcipta 1987 (Akta 332) untuk memantapkan lagi perundangan mengenai siber di Malaysia.
Akta Jenayah Komputer 1997 digubal dengan tujuan untuk menyediakan peruntukan berkaitan dengan kesalahan jenayah dan penyalahgunaan komputer di Malaysia. Ia amat relevan bagi mewujudkan undang-undang yang berbeza dengan undang-undang jenayah sedia ada seperti Kanun Keseksaan. Jenayah Komputer merupakan satu jenayah buatan yang timbul kesan daripada peningkatan penggunaan komputer dan rangkaian komputer. Selain itu, Akta Tandatangan Digital 1997 pula merupakan satu akta yang mengadakan peruntukan untuk mengawal selia penggunaan tandatangan digital serta peruntukan bagi maksud yang demikian. Ia amat penting dalam melicin urusan perdagangan secara elektronik atau e-dagang. Manakala Akta Teleperubatan 1997 pula bertujuan untuk mengadakan peruntukan bagi mengawal seliaan dan pengawalan amalan teleperubatan dan bagi perkara yang berkaitan dengannya. Teleperubatan ini merupakan amalan yang menggunakan telekomunikasi data, audio serta visual.
1) Capaian tanpa kuasa
2) Capaian tanpa kuasa dengan niat untuk melakukan kesalahan
3) Mengubah kandungan komputer
4) Komunikasi salah
5) Bersubahat melakukan kesalahan
Sumber: Siri Perkembangan Undang-Undang Di Malaysia; Undang-Undang Multimedia Jilid 10, Ahmad Shamsul Abd. Aziz, Khadijah Mohamed, Mazita Mohamed.
Etika melayari internet
a. Browse atau carilah maklumat menerusi WWW yang berkaitan dengan tugas anda
sebagai penjawat awam.
b. Bertindaklah sebijak mungkin di dalam membuat carian (searching) dengan
mengkhususkan bahan atau perkara yang diingini;
c. Memilih enjin pencari yang sesuai agar carian itu dapat dilakukan dengan lebih
efisyen dan mendapat tindak balas yang lebih cepat;
d. Elakkan diri anda dari melawat laman-laman yang akan menjatuhkan maruah anda
dan imej jabatan;
e. Anda juga dilarang daripada melawat laman-laman yang memuatkan maklumat anti
kerajaan atau subversif yang bertentangan dengan undang-undang negara;
f. Amalkan membuat penanda (bookmark) pada laman yang berfaedah untuk rujukan
kemudian hari; dan
g. Cetaklah dokumen yang difikirkan akan digunakan untuk tujuan rujukan.
a. Aktiviti pemindahan fail seharusnya dilakukan selepas waktu pejabat;
b. Pastikan anda mempunyai ruang storan yang mencukupi sebelum melakukan aktiviti
pemindahan itu;
c. Cakera keras (hard disk) memerlukan ruang storan sebesar 40 MB untuk
membolehkan sistem pengoperasian berjalan dengan lancar;
d. Kaedah memindah fail yang biasa ialah dengan menggunakan arahan File Transfer
Protocol (FTP), HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) atau proses ‘downloading’
e. Baca dan fahami akan tawaran atau syarat-syarat tersebut sebelum anda
memulakan aktiviti itu;
f. Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab pengguna untuk menyemak keperluan hakcipta dan
mematuhi segala peraturan mengenainya;
g. Segala bentuk perjanjian perkhidmatan dan urusniaga elektronik (kad kredit)
yang dilakukan adalah menjadi tanggungjawab pengguna sepenuhnya;
h. Jika anda akan melakukan urusniaga elektronik, pastikan pembekal memproses
permohonan itu dengan menggunakan pelayan selamat (secured server).
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Etika menggunakan emel
kaedah menggunakan emel yang betul.
1. Akaun emel
- merahsiakan kata laluan daripada pengetahuan umum.
- sentiasa mengaktifkan emel sepanjang waktu bekerja.
- menggunakan emel persendirian utk urusan rasmi & tidak rasmi.
- tidak terlibat dgn aktiviti penyamaran emel.
2. Penyelenggaraan kotak mel
- menghadkan jumlah mel.
- menghapuskan mel yg tidak penting.
- pindahkan mel yg penting ke tempat yg selamat.
3. Penyediaan mel
- berikan tajuk yg berkaitan dgn isi.
- menggunakan bahasa yg sopan.
- teratur & tidak mengandungi maklumat peribadi.
- tidak memberikan mel yg berbentuk hasutan.
4. Penghantaran mel
- elakkan diri drp melibatkan diri dgn penghantaran mel sampah (flaming), mel bom ( mail bombing), & spam.
- pastikan alamat mel penerima betul dan manfaatkan penggunaan cc dan bcc utk menyalinkan mel kpd org lain.
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